In Appreciation of All “Heart Conscious” Audiologists

In Appreciation of All “Heart Conscious” Audiologists

In Appreciation of all “Heart Conscious” Audiologists
who tend to the hearing of all the hearts affected by hearing loss!

We of The (W)hole Point Institute celebrate you and all you gift to the world.

WPI is pleased to announce a new branch of our (W)hole Life Coaching (WLC) programs:

Hearing, Hearts & Hardware

This new type of coaching is specifically dedicated to educating friends and family members of those experiencing hearing challenges, as well as those who have experienced the loss itself.

Our intent is to be in support of audiologists who work diligently to correct hearing loss.

Unique in the Coaching world, this type of WLCing, combines in-depth psychological/sociological knowledge of the impact a hearing loss has upon all people involved, along with supportive education about the technology.
This can make all the difference.

Impaired Hearing has an effect on all the hearts involved. In part, the resolution of a hearing challenge depends upon the “hardware” (hearing aids of all sorts).
And in part, the restoration of heart connections depends upon relationship guidance.

We celebrate Audiologists who are “Heart-Conscious” practitioners, tending to the full circle of relationships impacted by Hearing: UN-impaired & Impaired alike.
We of WPI in this coaching branch intend to bring an expanded form of support to all!

The founders of “Hearing, Hearts & Hardware” use hearing hardware. They are personally dedicated to expanding global awareness of the needs of all involved in this Silent Epidemic of hearing loss.

Contact The (W)hole Point Institute, LLC for more information.