“Meet Elizabeth “Alaya” Chadwick

“Meet Elizabeth “Alaya” Chadwick


Elizabeth C. Chadwick (Alaya) is an M.Div, M.S.W., Teaching Reiki Master, Certified Intuitive Healer, and Jungian-oriented psychotherapist & teacher.

She is also an ordained minister through the UBM, with an M. Div. from Yale Divinity School, and a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist (IRT), a certification that requires over 100+ hours of study and live supervision.

Since completing the IRT process, over 30+ years and has developed a unique approach to couples work. Alaya has dedicated over half of her practice to enabling couples to move into conscious loving, offering Imago Relationship Therapy (PAIRing) to couples around the country.

Her Approach

She believes that her vocation is to “help individuals, couples, and groups become all they want to be.” Her background in spiritual issues and holistic healing, combined with her extensive clinical experience, makes her an exceptional therapist and teacher and allow her to combine a wide variety of tools, even while working with a “diagnostic framework.”

Her approach to healing is one of “pragmatic compassion” with her goal being to enable people to have lives that “work” for them. One of the more potent ways she accomplishes this with clients and apprentices is through her use of stories, toys, & humor to communicate life transforming messages, recognizing that people will remember more easily if they can attach what they learning to something interesting or fun.

Alaya’s success with clients can also be partly attributed to her unusual capacity to engage with her clients directly and particularly, an ability gained by working outside the traditional psychological realm in the fields of marketing research, hospital administration, and national sales, holding a faculty position at the Yale School of Medicine, and working on The Yale Clinical Neuroscience Research Unit prior to obtaining her degrees.


After years of practice, Alaya heard and felt the true calling of hungry hearts asking, “WHERE is home? And HOW do I find my way there—for real?” and realized NOW is the time! Her inspired response birthed The Wisdom WAY.

“All-y ALL-y IN-Come FREE… come HOME to BE” is sung by Alaya in all her expressions. “It is time to come out of hiding, to embrace all you are and live the (W)hole Presence you were born to be. The (W)hole World is waiting for you to BE the “Light BEing” you already are. There is a way.”

Alaya believes that each of us is here to live our special ‘radiance’ consciously and intentionally, in such a way that matters to the whole world. Inside each of us is an entire world and around each of us is the world in which we live – what we do with who we are matters in both the inner and the outer worlds.

Alaya invites each of her clients, students, and apprentices to dare to awaken to their magnificent selves. And she shows them how to do this! Her capacity to give the work of self-development & healing “hands and feet” makes her an unusual and gifted therapist and teacher.

Alaya lays bare one of life’s great truths; at heart, we are a paradox. As young children we are forced to turn against ourselves in order to save our emotional lives and sometimes our very sanity. This splits us into warring opposites…

The wonder and power of The Wisdom WAY’s map to freedom is that it recognizes the dilemma of the human condition.

Alaya helps us to recognize the ingenuity, courage, and creativity we use to save our lives. The brilliancy of this path is that once learned… the way home is lovingly put into your own hands. This way of living is particularly relevant today when the deadly environment of polarization with neighbor against neighbor threatens to destroy the known world.

HOME, now in this time, includes all of us, both inside and outside, over there and right here. A new day is dawning… This is the bridge to the new world.”

—Martha Harrell M.S.N., Ph.D, Licensed Training Jungian Psychoanalyst, Initiated Shaman, Continuum Teacher, Biodynamic Cranio-sacral Therapist.

Unique Healing

Drawing on her 30+ years of healing experience and education, Alaya used that inspiration to create an integrative healing approach that presumes that psychological and spiritual health are mutually dependent and is based on her conviction that the journey of psychological healing will ultimately raise spiritual questions. Spiritual evolution must be grounded in solid psychological health for it to be “clear of distortion.” This concept is unique in the field of “therapoi” (healing).

Today, as many people are seeking to evolve spiritually, as well as to heal their psychological issues, this method is comprehensively responsive. The (W)hole Point Wisdom WAY™ (aka The Wisdom WAY) of empowerment & transformation addresses both these arenas in a practical and effective manner, and clients, students, and apprentices alike quickly and enthusiastically experience authentic empowerment and awakening of body, mind, heart, and soul.

Alaya integrates The Wisdom WAY of empowerment into both her teaching and her therapeutic practice. Not only is she a gifted therapist, she also excels in the art of teaching complex material in a way that makes it clear and accessible. Her (W)hole Shops, seminars which experientially teach The Wisdom WAY, are experiences of profound healing for those who participate. Alaya teaches to transform… not just to tell!

Alaya is available for custom designed workshops, seminars, and alternative healing work, such as phone therapy and personal (W)hole Life Coaching sessions, as well as (W)hole Shops.

Other Accomplishments

  • Founded The (W)hole Point Institute, LLC, in 2001.
  • Published author with 4 titles to her credit: Wake Up To Your (W)hole LifeAlaya’s Fables: Tales that Awaken & Transform and Wake Up from War, Alaya’s Fables, Vol, II, Come Home to Peace!. Each book serves as a doorway into the (W)holeness uniquely expressed by each one of us in our global village.
  • Featured in Applaud Women Magazine (Summer 2009 issue) in the article “Alaya Chadwick – Author & Creator of the Wisdom WAY Map™”
  • National lecturer and presenter on such wide-ranging topics as “Healing from Trauma” & “Creating Sacred Spaces in your Life”
  • Featured as a guest expert on the Sally Jessie Raphael Show