Author: Alaya Chadwick

Alaya's Blog / 12.11.2018

It was in 1999, John and I moved to Raymond, NH, and named the land (65 acres of undeveloped land) “Sanctuary”. We moved into the building, we had designed by phone with an amazing builder, Dave Pelletier. Since then, The Wisdom WAY was born, (18 years ago) nearly 140 (W)hole Shops have happened, 
Alaya's Blog / 30.03.2017

“Would you tell the management?” I was asked more than once following a compliment to a staff member, of the hotel in which I was staying.  I paused and considered if there was more here than immediately obvious. I listened. Over and over again beneath that question was a call or maybe more of a wish to be SEEN and VALUED by those above them.
Alaya's Blog / 03.01.2017

There she was, a woman covered from head to toe on the beach, while all those around her were in very small bathing suits.  I felt such awe for her courage and conviction.  Before the world, she very quietly was living her beliefs:  No right, No wrong, just BEING her way. How many of us pause every once in a while and check in with ourselves- asking:  am I living the truth of my own being?
Alaya's Blog / 16.11.2016

War is our Self-Violence reflected back to us. War extends to us an invitation to WAKE WAKE up from WAR and come Home to PEACE. A great teacher of mine said to me: “There is nothing outside the SELF”.  WOWOW…pause a minute and take this in. Consider that anything occurring...

Alaya's Blog / 01.10.2016

As a child is growing up and is passing into a “growth spurt,” did you know that the established emotional capacities and even physical capacities seem to first “fall apart” as if the child is “regressing” to younger and messier behaviors? SPACE is required for the new to arise.
Alaya's Blog / 11.04.2016

The Rise of the Sun each day calls to us: “WAKE UP, WAKE UP, time to Wake Up! As I looked out over this Lake, called Senaco Lake, located in the Finger Lakes Region of NY State, I felt a whispered call: “All-y All-y Income Free… come home to BE”. It echoed across the waters & my heart sang in harmony with all that IS. Will you join me tomorrow morning and share in the world’s harmony?
Alaya's Blog / 09.01.2016

“Everything is subject to change without warning”

Recently I was talking to a friend of mine who relayed this story: While standing in the grocery line next to an older yet very energetic “little” (short) lady, my friend had what I call a “miracle encounter”. I use this term to point to those moments when another or an event enters your life with a, particularly pointed teaching.

Alaya's Blog / 01.11.2015

Once Alaya was asked: “What do you do?” She responded: Nothing. “What happens when folks sit with you?” I blend particular elixirs of life for each individual who comes to me. “How?” By Being with them…without exerting any pressure on them to change. “What are the ingredients?” 3 advanced degrees, 16 years of formal...

Alaya's Blog / 01.10.2014

“Bridging Love Over Galaxies” 

Today, I was in conversation with one of my “teachers.” In this conversation, we revealed to ourselves how there is a type of progression in The Wisdom WAY, which allows for this WAY of WISDOM to be a process of ongoing self-revelation over the course of a lifetime. The focus simply shifts from the “past” to the “Now,” and from the “HT” to the “WT” and from Curbs as invitations to (w)Holes to Curbs as invitations to embodying the WT.