Author: Theresa Robertson

Alaya's Blog / 10.12.2017

WHERE is our hope in all this? It has been called “A killing box”, the room in which so many folks were gunned down amidst their play. We are shocked! This is a face of naked human cruelty. No amount of discussion or explanation or debate, much less blame...

Alaya's Blog / 03.12.2017

Did you know that each of us has a personal SONG? Did you know we are each unique vibrational beings here to sing our own song for the benefit of the (W)hole? We are born, each of us, with a “Song in our Souls” .  It is...

Alaya's Blog / 02.10.2017

It has been called “A killing box”, the room in which so many folks we’re gunned down amidst their play. We are shocked! This is a face of naked human cruelty.  No amount of discussion or explanation or debate, much less blame of “them” or “that”,...

Alaya's Blog / 18.09.2017

Listen for just a few moments to all that we are flooded with via virtual news headlines, news alerts on our phones, TV news programs and of course with global access, we hear about ALL of it!  Most of the time the “IT” is rooted...

Alaya's Blog / 12.07.2017

Joining our melody with the Universal Harmonies-consciously Did you know that each of us has a personal SONG? Did you know we are each unique vibrational beings here to sing our own song for the benefit of the (W)hole? We are born, each of us, with a “Song...

Alaya's Blog / 11.07.2017

He was so sure that he was just “a bad person”. For as long as he could remember, it seemed everyone around him reacted to him in the exact way that confirmed this horror.  His parents left him, his siblings mocked him and over and over...

Alaya's Blog / 26.02.2017

Every morning there they were:  Vincent and Rolston – sweeping, cleaning, preparing the day and the place for others to enjoy.  Quietly, steadily, almost invisibly these two among many others labored behind the scenes for “the guests”. Have you ever noticed how easily we can “over...

Alaya's Blog / 18.01.2017

Our world is being invited to clear the debris that blocks true vision.  All the hidden and not so hidden forms of judgments we each and every one of us hold, will be revealed.  Not for the purpose of contributing more violence or self-violence to...