PAIRing / 15.10.2024

People Activating Intimate Relating™ (PAIR) refers to the process of deepening intimate skills between one person and any other person. PAIRing is an invitation offered whenever any two people are engaged in an interaction. It does not just happen between the most “intimate” friends, or...

PAIRing / 22.10.2009

The premise of Imago Coaching, as founded by Harville Hendrix and Helen Hunt, is that relationships pass through stages, just as the human body grows and matures. For example, if one didn't know that children lose their teeth to allow space for mature teeth, we...

PAIRing / 31.08.2009

In (w)Role Play-Soul Play: Gift of PAIRing, participants explore the relationship of how our (w)holes determine the way we express the positions, or (w)Roles, we play in life. A longer, 1-day format is used for this intensive seminar to allow for the depth, ripening, and initiations...

PAIRing / 31.08.2009

How we relate to the male and female aspects within ourselves and how they dance with each other is directly mirrored in our outer intimate relationships. INterior PAIRing explores the essentials of intimate relating from the inside out and focuses on our inner relationship with...

PAIRing / 31.08.2009

The Basic PAIRing class incorporates the basics of relationship stages of development, The Wisdom WAY, and the foundational skills of communication to help participants gain a clearer understanding of how they enter into a relationship and what types of expectations they may impose on partners,...