
Alaya’s Fable Vol. 2 “Waking Up for the Fun of It”— RECORDED LIVE!!



The subtitle of this book, “Waking Up for the Fun of It,” sumarizes a core message of the fables contained with this volume.

As the fourth book in the Wake Up series, this one emphasizes the message that the (W)hole point of waking up to our own wondrous selves is to live in JOY and PEACE. We are born full of an unquenchable joy. If you doubt this, hold a baby and watch their absolute fascination with everything. This is PLAY for real. Children play for the fun of it. This, I believe, is what we were all born to do, just in every more expanding ways.

When we are aligned with ourselves, life becomes full of light-hearted fun again. This doesn not mean that there is no pain or challenge. However, when we move in harmony from within, rather than being at odds with ourswelves, life lightens up. These fables contian within them invitational doorways to support the reader in re-establishing their own vitality.

There are gems and jewels hidden in the words, awaiting your personal discovery.

Also is included are 3 Guided Meditation Exercises with Alaya!

As an added bonus, the provided 8GB flash drive has ample room for all your other precious files. The flash drive has an included key ring allowing you to attach it to your keys, purse or backpack.

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