
Alaya’s Fables, Vol. 2, Waking Up for the Fun of It


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As the 4th book in the WAKE-UP series, this one emphasizes the message that the whole point of waking up to our own wondrous selves is to live in JOY and PEACE. We were born full of an unquenchable joy. If you doubt this, hold a baby and watch their absolute fascination with everything. This is PLAY for real. Children play for the fun of it. This, I believe is what we were all born to do, just in ever more expanding ways.

When we are aligned within ourselves, life becomes full of light-hearted fun again. This does not mean that there is no pain or challenge. However, when we move in harmony from within, rather than being at odds with ourselves, life lightens up.

As a (W)hole Life Coach and teacher of The Wisdom WAY, I often hear folks comment on how heavy or hard living life feels to them. Of course, this would be so, when we are missing parts and pieces of our conscious (W)holeness, how could it be otherwise.? These fables contain within them invitational doorways, to support the reader in re-establishing their own vitality.

Whether you engage with the tale of My Black Dog or walk the journey with “THAT” woman, who wove CEQUES around the old Oak tree, etc., etc, it is my promise that your heart and spirit will become ever more joyous.

There are gems and jewels hidden in the words awaiting your personal discovery.

Available in paperback and ebook formats. Order your copy today.

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