“HUGS from HOME! Hugs for All People”

WPI- “Peace Weavers” pod.

Help warm all people with your knitting hands & caring.

 Hugs Alaya Keith                           

If you'd like to make "Hugs from Home" please follow the instructions below.


Directions are approximate.

Two, 5oz skeins of yarn will make 3 HUGS… Yarn MUST be made of 100% wool. (Suggest it has a touch of Mohair for softness).

Be creative. Be creative as to the “3” also.

THE ONLY REQUIREMENT is that there is an ELEMENT OF THREE in your creation. This can be three colors, three bands of pearling, three sections in three colors etc. THREE represents the intent to knit the world’s 3 primary religions together. IN this way peace will come. See: www.knitting4peace.org.

Cast on 50 stitches using 16-inch round (circular) needles, size 13, 15, or 17 needles (varies with your yarn size).

Knit first 1st row, place marker, join. Next 3 rows: Purl one row, knit one row, purl one row. Continue to knit remaining rows until HUG measures 3" from cast-on row.

In next row decease 5 stitches, 1 every 5th stitch, 45 stitches remain. Next 3 rows: Purl one row, knit one row, purl one row. Continue knitting until HUG measures 8."

Last 3 rows: purl one row, knit one row, purl one row. Final row, cast off as to knit.

HUG complete. 

Once YOUR Hug is complete, place your Hug and this NOTE* in a large zip lock bag. (*Click on the NOTE link. The document will automatically download to your computer. Navagate to your download folder, look for the file named: hugs_dble_note.doc. Click the file to open and print.) 

WPI, in RAYMOND, NH – 129 Harriman Hill Road, is a drop off location for any hugs created. We will distribute them to the Homeless Veterans. THANK YOU.

Please share with someone who knows how to knit or wants to learn and touch our veterans’ lives with warmth. Blessings. YOUR presence and participation matters! (WPI- www.sanctuarynh.com & for questions) (www.knitting4peace.org - WPI Peace Weavers pod is part of this global group.)