
Wake Up To Your (W)hole Life, First Edition


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A truly transformative book illustrates the “how” of healing and offers real, practical applications to move the reader through their own personal journey. It’s the first book of its kind to truly put the reader’s power to heal in their own hands by opening the door to the reader’s own healing process. This book constructs the skeleton that underlies all other healing modalities in a practical, easy-to-understand, step-by-step process, allowing the reader to flesh out their own process and discover their own truths and wisdom.

Available in paperback and ebook formats. Order your copy today.

This First Edition includes color images throughout. Order directly from The (W)hole Point Institute. Book will be audographed by Alaya. Shipping is included.

Or you may purchase a 2nd edition (black & white), non-audographed from by clicking here. You may also purchase a Kindle version here.