(W)hole Shop Level 6

(W)hole Shop Level 6

The Cosmic Spiral—A reorientation of life from a spiritual perspective

In (W)hole Shop 6, participants explore the “decision to embody.” This is an advanced (W)hole Shop that builds upon the previous levels to deepen and enrich the understanding of our personal presence and awakening.

Participants also explore the relationship between the human self and soul self over an intensive 2-day period. Students learn and practice additional tools for exploring this relationship, in particular to themselves. In particular, students learn:

  • about “descent decisions”
  • about limbic theology
  • about the relationship to soul self
  • the anatomy of the “playground”
  • about holy service and witness

In addition, students have many opportunities to work on their own life “holes.” With experienced and knowledgeable teachers and assistants, students are supported in:

  • Identifying their personal resistance to direct experience
  • Identifying the qualities of their conscious human self
  • Discovering their soul’s unique qualities
  • Experiencing authentic empowerment through an experiential experience

(W)hole Shop 6 is an advanced level (W)hole Shop and cannot be taken without a student first participating in the previous levels. Participation in this advanced program requires permission from Alaya Chadwick. Like all prior (W)hole Shops, (W)hole Shop 6 uses a unique combination of visual imagery, toys, personal stories, lectures, and exercises to create an environment that feels safe and welcoming and one that encourages curiosity as well as laughter.

(W)hole Shop 6 is a powerful experience in consciousness that is not to be missed.

Pre-req: (W)hole Shop Levels 1-5

See our calendar for upcoming Wisdom WAY Classes and Master Class.